The Media’s Role in International Conflicts

International conflicts and acts of terror committed in the name of religion must be viewed as a problem. One might visualize conflict as an “onion” that must be peeled away layer by layer. We must define each layer and create an effective solution to each conflict, then go to the next layer. PTWF believes that the media’s role is integral to examining and exposing the causes, which predicate international conflict and disagreement. 


Internationally, as we face the effects of religious extremism and the violence and terrorism carried out by zealots in every religion, we urgently must face the reality of the role of the media. Unbalanced, negative and biased reporting is leading us to a conflict of civilizations. The media industry must come to realize the role they are playing in these events and try to become part of the solution rather than adding to the problem.

No person can personally observe everything that is going on in the world. In a struggle to learn what is occurring around us, we try to absorb the information available to us. The sources we have relied upon have been print, broadcast and now Internet media. As we see the media moguls gobbling up the competition, we need to step back and take a careful look at the job they are doing. Rightfully so, as free people, we hold sacred the right of freedom of the press. However, seeing what is happening today, one must question how some appear to be using this right as a shield against criticism when held accountable for the delivery of information. As their customers we have right to demand accuracy and balance and have the right to some positive content in reporting.

When one opens the morning paper or watches the eleven o’clock news we are struck with the fact that almost nothing reported is really newsworthy. Robberies, murders, celebrity arrests, rape, fires, explosions and the like do nothing to enhance our well being or teach us anything. This type of sensationalism is simply a report card of human stupidity, which showcases the level of depravity whose bottom limits are constantly pushed lower and lower. On a positive note, there are many fine, high-quality media industry leaders who do make an effort to positively disseminate information but they are the exception rather than the rule. The dangers of negative reporting and biased, unbalanced reporting must be confronted.

When the daily reporting of news lacks balanced positive content and accuracy, or remarks are intentionally taken out of context for shock purposes in reality we are simply being lied to. The personal agendas of those who control these outlets are  attempting to mold our opinions and decision making to their personal point of view. Too often we are simply misled. When intelligent people are given information from supposedly trusted sources, we logically arrive at conclusions which are wrong and may actually result in hatred, bigotry and violence.

When we take a close look at this problem we understand that first and foremost these media entities are businesses. The job of the editor is to bait us into buying their newspaper over the competition or similarly to keep our radios or TVs tuned to their station. Unfortunately, in some cases, they accomplish this by catering to the primitive human impulses and feeding us violence and negativity in huge doses.

When the news network spends hours on end reporting on a Lindsay Lohan what message are we sending to our children? When days are spent reporting a Columbine massacre how does this benefit us and who is seeing this? Many times it is someone with a similar mental illness, who may also commit this same heinous crime as they crave publicity. Doesn’t the media bear some responsibility when this crime is repeated? When the news reports the capture of a terrorist cell through cell phone chatter or an informant or that terrorists are using small liquid undetected components to create a bomb on a plane, does this not alert the enemy that we are on to them and they need to rethink their strategy. Remember the WWII phrase “a slip of the lip can sink a ship”? Aiding and abetting the enemy is a crime. Is the people’s right to know (or what the media wants you to know) outweighing the States’ responsibility to guarantee the safety and security of  its citizens?

We collectively allow ourselves and our families to be exposed to this assault without objection. Politicians, community and religious leaders seem to fear the media’s wrath. After all by innuendo or a suggestion of impropriety, a person’s entire life, reputation and career can be ruined by one headline. Unfortunately, the apology or retraction never seems to get the same exposure as the accusation.

Freedom of press is of course paramount but we, John & Jane Q Public have some rights also. It’s time for a bill of rights regarding information dissemination to be instituted, which can serve as a guide for minimum standards for the media industry to follow universally. We have a rating system for the film industry – why not one for the media industry? When was the tried and true journalistic principles of reporting who, when where why and how replaced by opinions, private agendas and personal editorials?

Let’s consider creating an international award of excellence that recognizes those media entities that meet or exceed the standards of the people’s bill of rights of dissemination of information. Those media entities that consistently show disdain or ignore the right of people to accurate, positive and balanced news should be exposed and required to prominently display their rating. Possible sanctions, like exclusion from news conferences or depriving them of advertising dollars could be considered..

In the past, some media outlets have tried to report positive news and failed. The reason is that everyone did not follow suit because the public simply likes reading sensational articles. For this notion to work all media needs to follow the people’s bill of rights of information dissemination. The public’s primitive appetite for violence and depraved behavior is so ingrained that an industry wide change in reporting would be required to succeed.

Through our work with Pave the Way Foundation we have seen first hand how the Muslim community has repeatedly tried to speak out against those whose acts have defiled their religion through religiously illegal violent acts. Their public statements against violence do not get reported. As a result, the rest of the world keeps asking “why haven’t the Muslims spoken up?” There are multiple examples of this kind of reporting and photo coverage of the Israeli conflicts or the daily rocket attacks into Israel which remains unreported to this very day. Many reports are simply biased and photos have been doctored to sway the reading public in a desired direction. Because of this reality there are dozens of internet entities that do nothing but point out media distortions

For every reported act of violence or negativity, billions of positive actions remain unreported. Acts of volunteerism, kindness and charity noted across the globe are ignored by the news media. Positive stories will also sell papers because people feel good when they read of acts of kindness and goodwill. Some positive stories will go a long way towards improving our quality of life through volunteerism and by setting examples of how positive thinking and acts can change the course of history.

Our work with Pave the Way Foundation seeks to eliminate, through positive gestures, sources of friction and obstacles between religions and to encourage religious leaders to work with their governments to end the use of religion to achieve private agendas. After all, it is only the religious leaders who can respond to religious zealots, their governments only respond with violence. This tool of religion to justify war and violence has been used throughout history to cause almost every conflict on earth.

If we don’t speak up and try to effect change, if we don’t recognize this “loose cannon” in our lives, all of the trappings of wealth, which we seem to devote our lives to acquire, will be dust in a chain reaction of destruction that can be sparked by one atomic detonation. We need the media industry to be part of the solution rather than exacerbating the problem and to recognize that it has a moral obligation to become part of the team to work towards global peace.

As we all sing Kumbaya and other songs of peace, greet each other with Shalom and Salaam and pray for peace let us gather the courage to really diagnose the problem and take concrete steps to really achieve peace through action.

I close with a quote from Mark Twain “if you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.” My plea to the thinking public is to wake up and let your voices be heard as in the movie Network-  “I want you to go to your window, and throw it open and say I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” Let’s do it!

Bus Ad Campaign and PTWF intervention (PDF)

Promoting Christian Tourism to the Holy Land and to Israel

Promoting Christian Tourism to the Holy Land and to Israel

Continuous violence and conflict has had an enormous adverse financial impact on the regional tourism industry in the Holy Land. Both sides of the conflict suffer profound loss, not just in terms of life and human dignity, but in terms of economic and financial losses as well. During the Intifada, unemployment in Israeli hit 11% and the rate in the territories has been as high as 30-60%. Everyone is suffering. Pave the Way is trying to change the course of this negative pattern, by encouraging special visits to the Holy Land, by Christian leaders. Some of these prelates have been charged with the pastoral care and diocesan responsibility of millions of faithful Christians.

It is our belief that as economies improve, the seeds of violence and radicalism will fail to take root. Pave the Way is working with the Israeli Ministry of Tourism to encourage these most important pilgrimages.

Partnering with Israeli government officials, Pave the Way has been successful in facilitating the removal of several protocol and procedural barriers that have long been problematic to an already decimated tourism industry.


Above, Pave the Way meets with Senior Deputy of the Minister of Tourism to plan projects to increase and maintain tourism from Christian communities. Above, meeting with the Armenian Archbishop Nourhan to discuss Armenian pilgrimages. We have worked to encourage Catholic and other Christian pilgrims to come to Israel.

Planning  projects to benefit the tourism industry of Israel with Raphael Ben-Hur, First Deputy General Minister of Tourism in Israel. The Ministry of Tourism is trying to encourage Christian tourists to stay longer at the Holy sites in Bethlehem, in order to help the local Palestinian population. This is an on-going effort, involving both the Israeli and Palestinian Ministries of Tourism.

May 2007, PTWF was asked to help the security personnel at Ben Gurion Airport, and so prepared a manual of information on addressing and dealing with the various religious leaders of every faith. The manual was prepared and the airport personnel were very grateful for this information. It continues to be a useful resource, over a decade later.

Tourism from China and Asia

PTWF representatives from Asia, Pastors Paul Horng-Guang Yeh and Francy have led thousands of pilgrims from Asia to Israel and the Holy Land. This wonderful work benefits both Israelis and Palestinians.


Palestinian – Israeli Peace

Palestinian – Israeli Peace

Throughout the history of the modern State of Israel, peace has eluded all of the people of the region. PTWF is working with prominent Palestinians who wish to give the Palestinian people another choice. Contrary to media coverage of this region, both the Palestinians and the Israelis desperately want peace. The media seems to only report on the exceptional few extremists. The truth is, people from both sides have the same message. For three generations we have been at war and we don’t want our children to have to continue this. It is the special interest of an elite few, which has driven this region to constant conflict.


Left – Gary Krupp brings the Manual of Wasatia to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Center – Gary Krupp delivers the book of the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad by Dr. John Andrew Morrow (Right). Here, the Prophet ordered his followers to protect the people of the book, Jews and Christians, until the end of days. Very Muslims know these fifty sustained covenants even exist. They carry the legal authority of the Holy Q’uran.

The Dajani family is beginning a movement towards starting a third electoral party in Palestine, called Wasatia. PTWF is committed to help make this a reality.

In Dr. Dajani’s own words, the essence of the Wasatia Party:

“wasatia is a concept extracted from the Arabic word “wasat” which means “middle of the road”, and “center of the circle.” It is used in Arabic to mean also “balance” “moderation”. In the Holy Quran, it is used to mean “goodness”, “righteousness”, “justice”, and “straightforwardness.” Wasat is said to be that which is in the midst of extremes such as hot and cold, rich and poor, empty and full, generosity and stinginess, courage and cowardice.

It is time for wasatia creed to emerge and rise in the Moslem world that it may draw the best and the brightest from among the Moslem community. The new initiative adopts the wasatiah Islamic tradition and the shura Islamic concept as its’ main pillars. Al-Wasatiah calls for Muslims to take mid-ground that stands between those who sanctify strict tradition and those who opt for rational thinking in reading and explaining the Holy Quran in compliance with the Surah in the Holy Quran: {And so we have created you a midway nation.}

The wasatia concept is reflected also in many other verses in the Quran such as:  {Be neither miserly nor prodigal, for then you should either earn reproach or be reduced to penury.} Al-shurah Islamic tradition advocates collective and consultative decision-making.
The goal will remain to seek peace and move to the center away from radicalism. The wasatia road taken in conflict resolution is negotiation, not confrontation. It is not win-lose situation but the win-win situation”  – Dr Munther S. Dajani, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Arts Al Quds University, Jerusalem


Professors Munther and Mohammad Dajani meeting in Jerusalem with Aleksandar Simic, Gary Krupp and Meredith Krupp of  PTWF.

Wasatia Office

Holy books of all religions are displayed at the Wasatia office with the teachings of tolerance and understanding of other faiths:

Donate to the Wasatia Forum – Anyone wishing to donate to the Wasatia forum and help to achieve its’ success, may do so through PTWF. Tax deductible checks may be made out to Pave the Way Foundation noted for the Wasatia Forum.

The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque

Often a location and source of friction, PTWF has reached out to the Religious authority of the Jordanian government to seek a common ground of interest, founded in the concept of peaceful co-existence.


Israeli Military

Through the sponsorship and work of PTWF Director Richard Kandel and PTWF Representative in Israel Sam Philipe, we have sponsored numerous projects with the Israeli military. These meaningful gestures and projects have resulted in a unique level of trust, which we use in searching for peaceful common ground.

Below, Gary Krupp, President of PTWF, is presented to over 600 soldiers by Jerusalem Projects partner, Benny Katz.


Gestures of Peace

PTWF Director Dan Buttafuoco donates three 40 year-old olives trees that he planted on the Mount of Olives. The trees planted were dedicated to the three faiths of Abraham – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Directors, Gary Meredith Krupp, Sam Philipe and Dan and Cindy Buttafuoco join in the planting effort.


PTWF Participates in Projects of Interreligious Action for Restoring Peace in France

PTWF Participates in Projects of Interreligious Action for Restoring Peace in France

Meetings in Lyon with Islamic, Christian, and Jewish leaders have resulted in remarkable advances. This impressive, cooperative group of religious leaders, has performed important peacekeeping functions during recent uprisings in France.

PTWF Director in France, Dr. Costantino Fiore, has been instrumental in maintaining solid, ongoing working relationships with all religious leaders. Fr. Christian DeLorme has been a hero in France for his fast action during the period of youth violence in Paris and elsewhere. This contact is essential to be able to act when religious strife and extremism surface.

Below, are meeting with the heads of the religious communities of Lyon, France.
