PTWF is proud of its warm relations with the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem.
Meetings with the late Patriarch His Beatitude Torkom Manoogian, and recently His Beatitude Nourhan Manougian, resulted in an international acknowledgement of the Genocide committed against innocent Armenians in the Holy Land at the beginning of the 20th century.
PTWF Director for Germany, scholar, and historian Dr. Michael Hesemann, has been our primary researcher in the Vatican Apostolic Archives (formerly known as the “Secret Archives”.) During his study of the actions of the Holy See before, during, and after the Second World War, Dr. Hesemann discovered over 2,000 pages of documents evidencing the genocide. Dr. Hesemann wrote his book Volkemord an den Armenien,which was presented to His Holiness Pope Francis.
Pope Francis traveled to Armenia and acknowledged the murder of over one million Armenians at the beginning of the 20th Century.
PTWF is encouraging more Armenian pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Tourism helps everyone in the region. Below PTWF meets with His Beatitude Patriarch Manougian and with Archbishop Nourhan. We identified specific problems and ways in which PTWF could be instrumental in solving. A dinner meeting with First Deputy Minister of Tourism Rafi Ben-Hur established personal relations with the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and the Armenian Church.
Meeting with His Beatitude Torkom Manoogian, Canon Sacrist Archbishop Nourhan Manuougian, Fr. Angelo Ison and Gary Krupp from Pave the Way.
Dinner meeting with First Deputy Minister of Tourism Rafi Ben-Hur, His Beatitude Nourhan Manougian, Gary and Meredith Krupp and Fr. Angelo Ison, discussing a visit for 500,000 Armenian Pilgrims to the Holy Land and Israel.
This bronze monument, created by Sam Philipe was erected on Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem on December 20, 2011.
In the spirit of the mission of PTWF, we are proud to sponsor this project in Israel.
Made possible with the generosity of Mr. Richard Kandel and Mr. Jonathan Kandel, Elliot and Karen Hershberg, Theodore and Ruth Mirvis, Bernard Turner and Joyce and Matthews Calvin, Pave the Way Foundation salutes the artistic effort of famed Israeli Sculptor Mr. Sam Philipe in creating this moving tribute to those who protect the Jewish homeland and to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Director of Pave the Way Foundation and project sponsor, Mr. Richard Kandel delivers his opening remarks. Sam Philipe, PTWF director in Israel, built this important monument.
PTWF Director and Generations Project Founder, Richard Kandel officially dedicates the Camararaderie in Arms Memorial honoring the Jerusalem Brigade Mt.Scopus.
“iPAVE ®” is an organization of high school and college students who will be tasked with verifying and reporting international statements and news reports. iPAVE ® will correct inaccuracies when it can be discovered and proven that a story is rife with media generated agendas. When the public is fed erroneous information, the public will draw erroneous conclusions. This is a dangerous reality. It is up to the next generation to insist on accurate reporting. iPave® hopes to identify and engage these thoughtful, concerned students through social networking.
Pave The Way Foundation Announces the Formation of iPave® Media Watchdog
Pave The Way Foundation has embarked upon a project, dubbed iPave ®, which will task high school and college students to examine and verify the accuracy of news reporting worldwide. iPave ® aims to prevent conflict and violence created by incorrect and biased media reports.
Media outlets must … become part of a solution rather than adding to the problem
New York, NY (PRWEB) January 19, 2013
Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF), a New York-based, nonsectarian organization whose mission is to bring about peace through positive inter-religious gestures and to educate the everyday person, announces the formation of iPave, an organization of high school and college students who are tasked with verifying and reporting statements and news reports worldwide. iPave will correct inaccuracies of media reporting that could otherwise cause misunderstandings, conflict and violence.
“The role which the media plays is primary with regards to international conflicts,” Gary Krupp, Founder of Pave the Way Foundation stated. “We have been working for some time to launch iPave, wherein we hope to harness the energy of today’s youth and empower them to recognize the intentional use of biased, unbalanced reporting to fuel further confrontation.”
To verify consistency and correctness of news reports, iPave members will travel to areas in question and investigate the facts firsthand. Results of their observations and reviews of media reporting will be made available on the iPave website, coming soon.
Pave the Way Foundation has previously documented numerous instances of biased reporting, with the media outlets wittingly or unwittingly forwarding agendas of continuing disagreement and strife. One example is the fact that many in the Muslim community have spoken out repeatedly against acts of violence that have defiled their religion. Yet these statements are seldom reported, leaving the public to ask, “Why haven’t the Muslims spoken up?”
The controversy surrounding the papacy of Pope Pius XII is rife with examples of biased reporting, beginning in 1962 and continuing to the present day. The many instances of incorrect reporting have created a personal prejudice in many people. It has been difficult to even get many to look at new evidence that might disagree with their already-formed opinion.
Most of the public are already aware that much of the reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is slanted one way of the other to support the agenda of the reporter and media outlet. It’s probably not likely that the Jerusalem Post and Al Jazeera would give the same report of a situation in this hotly contested area. When world opinion is based upon inaccuracies, the instigators of violence are emboldened to begin yet another war in this troubled region. The frightening reality is tantamount to a scenario of last resort; one in which weapons of mass destruction may be employed. This may in turn start a chain reaction of events which can spread worldwide.
“International conflict and acts of terror committed in the name of religion can only be resolved if viewed from a realistic prospective,” continues Gary Krupp. “Pave the Way Foundation champions the role of responsible media, yet also recognizes, unfortunately, the media’s role as a device used to fuel controversy. As we face the violence of terrorism and effects of extremism, media outlets must realize the role they play in these events and become part of a solution rather than adding to the problem.”
About Pave the Way Foundation PTWF is a nonsectarian foundation whose mission is to identify and work to resolve non-theological obstacles between religions through the trust garnered from our work to initiate historic gestures between the faiths, “paving the way” to removing the use of religion as a tool to justify private agendas and violence.
PTWF organized this Christian themed sculpture to the Revi Karuna Karan Memorial Museum in Alleppey, India. An Israeli Jewish sculptor created a Christian monument to be exhibited in India.
Pave the Way Foundation has initiated a magnificent gift of a monument of the Prodigal Son to be donated to the Revi Kauna Karan Memorial Museum in Alleppey India.
This is a magnificent 1,400 pound, 7 foot bronze monument built in Israel by famed Israeli Sculptor Sam Philipe featuring a Christian theme and placed in a Museum in a Hindu nation.
The Prodigal Son
The story of the Prodigal Son, also known as the Parable of the Lost Son, follows the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Jesus is responding to the Pharisees’ complaint: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
Jesus tells the story of a man who has two sons. The younger son asks his father to give him his portion of the family estate as an early inheritance. Once received, the son promptly sets off on a long journey to a distant land and begins to waste his fortune on wild living. When the money runs out, a severe famine hits the country and the son finds himself in dire circumstances. He takes a job feeding pigs. He is so destitute that he even longs to eat the food assigned to the pigs.
The young man finally comes to his senses, remembering his father. In humility, he recognizes his foolishness, decides to return to his father and ask for forgiveness and mercy. The father who had been watching and waiting, receives his son back with open arms of compassion. He is overjoyed by the return of his lost son! Immediately the father turns to his servants and asks them to prepare a giant feast in celebration.
Meanwhile, the older son is not one bit happy when he comes in from working the fields and discovers a party going on to celebrate his younger brother’s return. The father tries to dissuade the older brother from his jealous rage explaining, “You are always with me, and everything I have is yours.”
Inter-religious doctors and other participants come together to bring medical services to the disadvantaged.
Friends of Good Health is a local grassroots effort to bring modern medical advances to the disadvantaged. PTWF has partnered with this worthwhile cause and is sponsoring a trip bringing over 20 doctors, along with vital medical supplies and medical equipment, to the needy in South America.
This project was the inspiration of Mr. Bobby Kalotee, a local Long Island businessman and philanthropist. Friends of Good Health brings together representatives of many faiths and beliefs, in order to provide needed medical expertise to those who would never have such access.
PTWF is proud to sponsor this work in service of our mission – to bring initiate and see to fruition inter-religious gestures of good will, which show the caring and benevolence of all, in the service of humanity.
You can make a tax deducible gift to Friends of Good Health through PTWF. 100% of the funds collected will go to the charity.
Pave the Way Foundation is a registered 501C3 Public Charity.
February 2011 our group of physicians went to El Salvador. Preliminary reports document that over 5,000 patients were examined and treated.
A group of doctors from the organization “Friends for Good Health” arrived in El Salvador on February 4, 2011 to participate in healthcare campaigns, for the benefit of the low income population of San Salvador and Sonsonate.
At a press conference at Nassau Medical Center of Long Island, Bobby Kalotee, President of the philanthropic organization said the campaign was conducted through collaboration and coordination with the mayors of Sonsonate and San Salvador, Roberto Aquinoand and Norman Quijano, who secured all the necessary logistics for the campaign. It will provide free medical care in different medical specialties, by 23 experts who donate their time to Friends for Good Health.
The volunteer group provides services in different hospitals in Long Island and New York. This was the first time they traveled to El Salvador on a humanitarian mission, which this year will also propose extending to Ecuador and the Dominican Republic in the coming months.