Pave the way Foundation worked with Reverend Richard Donahoe, Rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul in Birmingham, Alabama on this project. Father Donahoe was able to identify the availability of the Bodmer Papyrus, which is the oldest written version of the Gospels of St. John and St. Luke and contains the oldest written version of the Lord’s Prayer which was written sometime between 175 and 225 AD.
Pave the Way initiated contact between Fr. Donahoe with the Vatican Library. It was also through the efforts of Pave the Way that a donor was identified, Mr. Frank Hanna III of Atlanta, Georgia, who helped make available this historic acquisition for worldwide study. It remains in the care of the Vatican Library. Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, was instrumental in helping to realize this historical event.
Pave the Way Foundation is extremely pleased to have played a key role in The Bodmer Papyrus Project.
Pave the Way Foundation board members greet Bishop Raffaele Farina SBD just prior to the presentation of the Bodmer. From left to right: Dr. Rolando Clementoni KCSG, Gary and Meredith Krupp, Bishop Farina, Richard Kandel and Harry Epstein.
Pope Benedict XVI examines the papyrus.
Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State receive Gary Krupp of PTWF at the presentation ceremony on January 22, 2007.
Video presentation of the Bodmer Papyrus to Pope Benedict XVI – January 2007.
Bodmer presentation ceremony.
Click for larger images of the Bodmer Papyrus
Further Reading:
- Zenit article on the event.
- You Tube Video of the CBS special on 60 Minutes “Treasures of the Vatican Library” at marker 11:10 Msgr. Pasini, Prefect of the Vatican Library, describes the Bodmer as the most precious manuscripts in all Christianity.