Assisi Museum of Memory
The exhibition is dedicated to the stories of the rescue of 300 Jews in Assisi
It’ll enhance the image of the city thanks to a video about the beautiful places and Franciscan message
ASSISI – The Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 continues its journey in the United States. Throughout the month of May and until June 8, the exhibition will be open to visitors at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, at 686 Park Avenue, New York. The Museum, conceived and curated by the journalist Marina Rosati and constructed by the “Opera Casa Papa Giovanni,” a foundation of the Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, tells the story of the 300 Jews saved as a result of the spirit of Franciscan hospitality in Assisi. “Thanks to the collaboration with Pave the Way Foundation and the technical and logistical support of DeSales Media – explains Rosati – we brought the Museum of Memory to the United States where, in the two organized exhibitions and conferences, it had an extraordinary success. During our mission, we met Fabio Finotti, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, who was very impressed by the extraordinary history of Assisi, and, for this reason, he expressed his desire to host the Museum. In addition, we thought it was a good opportunity to promote the city of Assisi thanks to a video in two languages that tells the beautiful places of the city and the Franciscan message”.
Through the reproduction of some panels, it will be possible to know and deepen the saving work carried out, immediately after 8 September 1943, by the Church of Assisi and by many citizens. The work of Don Aldo Brunacci, founder of the Opera Casa Papa Giovanni, who over the years, kept this memory alive; the then Bishop, Monsignor Giuseppe Placido Nicolini, who was instrumental in the clandestine organization; Father Rufino Niccacci, a friar minor, father guardian of the convent of San Damiano; the religious orders; the conventual friar Father Michele Todde, and all of the others, who did their utmost to save the lives of so many people, otherwise destined for deportation. An important space is also dedicated to Luigi and Trento Brizi, the Assisi printers, who printed false documents for the Jews. The exhibition, entirely in two languages (Italian and English), in addition to the written panels, also includes a video section of interviews with some of the protagonists, collected before their disappearance, who directly tell what they did to save the Jews, as well as insights on the historical period. Each panel also has a QR Code, so as to make it easier to read the many stories, situations, difficulties and joys, too, that the Jews and the city of Assisi experienced in that dramatic historical period.
L’esposizione è dedicata alle storie del salvataggio dei 300 ebrei arrivati in Assisi
Sarà valorizzata anche l’immagine della città grazie un video sulle bellezze del centro e sul messaggio francescano
ASSISI – Il Museo della Memoria, Assisi 1943-1944 continua il suo viaggio negli Stati Uniti. Per tutto il mese di maggio e fino all’8 giugno l’esposizione sarà visitabile all’Istituto italiano di cultura di New York, al 686 Park Avenue, a New York. Il Museo, ideato e curato dalla giornalista Marina Rosati e realizzato dall’Opera Casa Papa Giovanni, fondazione della Diocesi di Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino racconta la storia dei 300 ebrei salvati grazie allo spirito dell’accoglienza francescana di Assisi. “Grazie alla collaborazione con Pave the Way Foundation e il supporto tecnico e logistico della DeSales Media- spiega Rosati – abbiamo portato il Museo della Memoria negli Stati Uniti dove nelle due occasioni espositive e convegnistiche organizzate ha avuto uno straordinario successo. Durante la nostra missione abbiamo conosciuto Fabio Finotti, direttore dell’ Istituto Italiano di Cultura a New York, che è rimasto molto colpito dalla storia straordinaria di Assisi e per questo ci ha manifestato la volontà di ospitare il Museo. In più abbiamo pensato che fosse una bella occasione per promuovere la città di Assisi grazie a un video in doppia lingua che racconta le bellezze della città e il messaggio francescano”.
Attraverso la riproduzione di alcuni pannelli sarà possibile conoscere e approfondire l’opera di salvezza portata avanti, subito dopo l’8 settembre del 1943, dalla chiesa di Assisi e da tanti cittadini. Si parla dell’operato di don Aldo Brunacci, già fondatore dell’Opera Casa Giovanni che negli anni ha mantenuto viva questa memoria, dell’allora vescovo monsignor Giuseppe Placido Nicolini che tirò le fila dell’organizzazione clandestina, di padre Rufino Niccacci, frate minore, padre guardiano del convento di San Damiano, degli ordini religiosi, del frate conventuale padre Michele Todde e tutti gli altri che si prodigarono per salvare la vita a tante persone, destinate altrimenti alla deportazione. Uno spazio importante è dedicato anche a Luigi e Trento Brizi, i tipografici assisani che stamparono i documenti falsi per gli ebrei. La mostra, tutta in doppia lingua (italiano-inglese) oltre agli scritti, prevede anche una parte video con le interviste ad alcuni dei protagonisti, raccolte prima della loro scomparsa, che raccontano direttamente cosa fecero per salvare gli ebrei, oltre a degli approfondimenti sul periodo storico. Ogni pannello ha poi il QR Code così da rendere più agevole la lettura delle tante storie, situazioni, difficoltà ed anche gioie che gli ebrei e la città di Assisi vissero in quel drammatico periodo storico.
Assisi, 05 maggio ’22
Thanks again for your interest in the Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 events last month at St. John’s University and Temple Israel of New Rochelle.
We are excited to announce the return of the exhibition to New York City as it will be on display at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, located at 686 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10065 from May 5 through June 10.
Please join us this Thursday, May 5, at 6:00 PM for the opening reception.
Thank you!
On behalf of the Diocese of Brooklyn’s DeSales Media Group, the Diocese of Assisi, and the Pave the Way Foundation, thank you for your interest in our Museum of Memory Exhibits and Roundtable Discussions on April 5 and 6 in New York. We appreciate your support and interest. Please see the links below for a video recording of a guided tour of the exhibits and a link to each of the panel discussions.
Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 Guided Tour: https://vimeo.com/697582728/4f4b53fb4c
St. John’s University: Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 WEBINAR: https://vimeo.com/697569021/0b78dbf557
Temple Israel of New Rochelle: Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 WEBINAR: https://vimeo.com/697556056/98f2427e83
WANTAGH, N.Y., Jan. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF), whose mission is to initiate historical projects and remove obstacles between religions, is sponsoring an historic presentation in New York with the Diocese of Assisi, Italy, recognizing the lifesaving actions taken by clergy and citizens of Assisi in protecting Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
With Northern Italy occupied by German troops in 1943, the historic town of Assisi, home of Saint Francis of Assisi, found itself thrown into the atrocities of war. Archbishop Nicolini, acting on requests from Rome, rallied Assisi’s citizens and clergy to come together and save the lives of their Jewish brethren, being hunted down by the Nazis.
Elliot Hershberg, Pave the Way Foundation Chairman, remarked “at a time in history when forces around the world would strive to divide rather than unite, we are reminded by this exhibit of the historic, lifesaving acts of conscience Roman Catholics performed, at their own peril, to help and save so many Jewish victims of Nazi barbarism.”
The exhibit features panels from the “Museo della Memoria Assisi” (The Museum of Memory) and includes a roundtable discussion led by Professor Johan Ickx, Archivist for the Historical Archives of the Vatican Secretary of State, and Elizabeth Bettina, author of “It Happened in Italy.” Also attending: Archbishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino; Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo; and the Mayor of Assisi, Stefania Proietti.
“How happy we are to bring our museum to America,” Archbishop Sorrentino notes. “Not only to remember a light that shone through a dark time in history, but also to tell the world that good can and must win over evil. Like the Jews, too many people are stripped of their dignity as human beings. St. Francis stripped himself to be a universal brother. In his footsteps, we welcome the initiative of Gary Krupp, his Chairman and Board and thank all of our gracious hosts who help us ‘pave the way’ together to witness fraternity and peace.”
The museum’s founder and curator, Marina Rosati, also attending, looks forward to, “this important opportunity to make known the extraordinary history of Assisi in the dark period of the Holocaust. Some 300 Jews were welcomed and saved, not one was deported or killed. Yad Vashem has recognized 7 of the heroes of Assisi as Righteous Among Nations.”
Two events are planned: April 5, 2022, at Temple Israel in New Rochelle, and April 6 at St. John’s University in Queens. Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum and Temple Israel stated “We are honored to host The Assisi Museum Exhibit, and excited to lead the roundtable discussion. The congregation of Temple Israel and I welcome this unique opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvah of Zachor, remembrance of the Shoah in a world seemingly filled with moral amnesia. With this exhibit, we not only memorialize the 6,000,000 Jews who were murdered by the Nazis, but the righteous of Assisi who risked everything to save innocent Jewish lives. May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life, as we honor them through this project of reconciliation and hope with the light of love.”
“It is a privilege and honor to welcome the Assisi Museum of Memory Exhibit to St. John’s,” commented Joseph Sciame, Vice-President for Community Relations at St. John’s University. “By doing so, we honor the memory of so many who afforded our Jewish sisters and brothers in those dark days in Italy, what one might call ‘the gift of life’ from the citizenry in that area, as well as so many other communities in Italy at that time.”
All welcome. Jewish and Christian communities are encouraged to attend. Please register for the in-person event or the webcast at assisievent@desalesmedia.org.
Events Schedule:
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Temple Israel of New Rochelle:
1000 Pinebrook Blvd, New Rochelle, NY 10804
5:00 PM Exhibition
6:30 PM Roundtable Discussion
Wednesday, April 6 2022
St. John’s D’Angelo Center:
8000 Utopia Pkwy, Jamaica, NY 11439
4:00 PM Exhibition
5:30 PM Roundtable Discussion
Assisi’s heroes: Gary Krupp and Vincent LeVien. A lesser known story during the Holocaust
15 January 2024, By Brenda Lee Bohen
Italian Media
Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 Guided Tour
St. John’s University: Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 WEBINAR
Temple Israel of New Rochelle: Museum of Memory, Assisi 1943-1944 WEBINAR
03/18/22 – National Catholic Register: A Relic of Blessed Carlos Acutis’ Heart Is Coming to New York.
03/31/22 – Huntington Now: Archbishop Carrying Relic to Offer Mass at St. Anthony’s.
04/01/22 – EWTN Radio: Doug Keck has the EWTN’s “Inside Word”. Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo has exciting news about a relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis coming to The United States.
04/01/22 – Ave Maria Radio: Catholic Connection on Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo Bringing Relics to the United States with Blessed Carlo Acutis.
04/02/22 – YouTube: Assisi Mayor Stefania Prioetti’s Thank You Video on Museum of Memory Exhibits.
04/02/22 – Aleteia: A Relic of Bl. Carlo Acutis’ Heart Will Soon Tour the United States.
04/05/22 – Catholic News: Archbishop from Assisi Brings First-Class Relic of Blessed Acutis to U.S.
UPDATE: Cardinal Dolan receives relic on behalf of USCCB, evangelization committee
04/05/22 – St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New York: We Have a Special Visitor from Assisi: Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino. He Will Celebrate a Special Mass This Friday at 3 PM.
04/05/22 – The Boston Pilot: Archbishop from Assisi Brings First-Class Relic of Blessed Acutis to U.S.
04/06/22 – EWTN Radio: Doug Keck Has the Inside Word on Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo News About a Relic of Blessed Carlo Coming to the United States.
04/06/22 – Catholic News Service: Archbishop from Assisi brings First-Class Relic of Blessed Acutis to U.S.
04/06/22 – OSV News: Archbishop of Assisi Brings First-Class Relic of Blessed Acutis to United States.
Archbishop from Assisi brings first-class relic of Blessed Acutis to U.S.
04/07/22 – Patch: Pope’s Archivist To Visit Temple Israel of New Rochelle Over Rare Holocaust Exhibit.
04/07/22 – The Tablet: Carlo Acutis Relic Helps Students Strengthen Their Faith.
04/07/22 – Catholic Philly: Long Island Catholic School Sees First-Class Relic of Blessed Acutis.
Long Island Catholic school sees first-class relic of Blessed Acutis
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGYMtEJ7Yd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Event Signup form:
Press release from Italy
Historic Significance of Assisi in Protecting Jewish Refugees
PTYWF Press release
Press release in Italian from Diocese of Assisi of the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis
English Video of the Museum of Memory in Assisi –
Italian of the Museum of Memory in Assisi: