Our projects in the field of CHARITY & COMMEMORATION

Projects of charity that give back.
Pave the Way Foundation Proudly Supports the Navy Seal Museum

Pave the Way Foundation Proudly Supports the Navy Seal Museum

Pave the Way Foundation recognizes  the sacrifice and devotion of our Nation's heroes. The National Navy SEAL Museum and Memorial provides a unique view into the history and world of Naval Special Warfare and the heroes who have served. Please join us to show your...

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PTWF responds to the Covid 19 Pandemic in New York

PTWF responds to the Covid 19 Pandemic in New York

PTWF partnered with the Robinhood Foundation, the AFCIO to feed needy citizens in Brooklyn and Queens, New York and the unemployed musicians of the theatre industry.  Though the efforts of the Emergency Task Force founded by PTWF Director Vincent LeVien               ...

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PTWF Donates the St. John Paul II Peace Cross

PTWF Donates the St. John Paul II Peace Cross

Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF) presented the Saint John Paul II Peace Cross to Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer to the United Nations.     On November 29, 2018, Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF) presented the Saint John Paul...

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Aid to Migrant Workers in North Carolina

Aid to Migrant Workers in North Carolina

PTWF Youth Directors Kirsten and Heather Keleher initiated a project to aid North Carolina seasonal agricultural migrant workers. North Carolina has one of the nation's largest population of seasonal migrant farm workers. They arrive to work with next to nothing...

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PTWF Generations Projects – Memorials in Jerusalem, Israel

PTWF Generations Projects – Memorials in Jerusalem, Israel

In the spirit of the mission of PTWF, we are proud to sponsor this project in Israel. Made possible by the generosity of Florence and Michael Edelstein, Mr. Richard Kandel and Mr. Jonathan Kandel, Pave the Way Foundation salutes the artistic effort of famed Israeli...

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Magav Border Police Projects of Charity

Magav Border Police Projects of Charity

Border Guard is often used as the official name of the Israeli Border Police in English.   In addition to its primary function, Magav also has charitable outreach programs for the poor in Israel. Pave the Way Foundation is pleased to sponsor many of these meaningful...

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“The Camaraderie in Arms Statue”

“The Camaraderie in Arms Statue”

This bronze monument, created by Sam Philipe was erected on Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem on December 20, 2011. In the spirit of the mission of PTWF, we are proud to sponsor this project in Israel. Made possible with the generosity of Mr. Richard Kandel and Mr. Jonathan...

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“The Prodigal Son” Sculpture by Sam Philipe of Israel

“The Prodigal Son” Sculpture by Sam Philipe of Israel

Christian Themed Gift for a Museum in India PTWF organized this Christian themed sculpture to the Revi Karuna Karan Memorial Museum  in Alleppey, India. An Israeli Jewish sculptor created a Christian monument to be exhibited in India. Pave the Way Foundation has...

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Friends of Good Health

Friends of Good Health

Inter-religious doctors and other participants come together to bring medical services to the disadvantaged. Friends of Good Health is a local grassroots effort to bring modern medical advances to the disadvantaged. PTWF has partnered with this worthwhile cause and is...

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Life Saving Emergency Services in Israel

Life Saving Emergency Services in Israel

PTWF supports the efforts of the United Hatzalah emergency service organization. This organization has volunteers who are Jewish, Christian and Muslim, and who serve emergency needs throughout Israel. Principle Eli Beer discusses the need for additional Muslim...

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Tea Kettles for the Elderly in Jerusalem

Tea Kettles for the Elderly in Jerusalem

In furtherance of our mission, through our Jerusalem representative Sam Philipe, PTWF expanded gift charity to Eastern European Holocaust Survivors in Jerusalem. We are distributing special electric tea kettles and down blankets for the elderly, who live on fixed...

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Blanket Project for Poor Holocaust Survivors in Jerusalem

Blanket Project for Poor Holocaust Survivors in Jerusalem

Elderly Holocaust survivors from Eastern Europe living in North Jerusalem are assisted by Pave the Way Foundation. Pave the Way Foundation Director in Israel Sam Philipe, locates specific, unfilled needs of poor and needy people in Israel. Sam initiated our "Project...

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Philippine Monument in Rishon, LeZion, Israel

Philippine Monument in Rishon, LeZion, Israel

In the spirit and mission of PTWF, we encourage and actively participate in disseminating stories of good will, which demonstrate the love of one human to another. Such is the story of the Philippine government's actions, during World War II to save the lives of the...

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The Wadowice Project

The Wadowice Project

On May 27th, 2006, Gary Krupp, President of Pave the Way Foundation, along with the Board of Directors and Advisors, special guests and contributors, presented a unique sculpture representing a monument to be placed in Poland, the homeland of Pope John Paul II. This...

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Pave the Way Foundation

Pave the Way Foundation works with the Municipality of Jerusalem to help all citizens. Jewish, Christian and Muslim

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