PTWF partnered with the Robinhood Foundation, the AFCIO to feed needy citizens in Brooklyn and Queens, New York and the unemployed musicians of the theatre industry. Though the efforts of the Emergency Task Force founded by PTWF Director Vincent LeVien
Pave the Way Foundation wishes to thank and acknowledge the generous
financial support of the Robin Hood Foundation, the AFLCIO the Emergency Task Force and their dedication to
community needs.
We also wish to thank our PTWF Director Vincent LeVien
whose tireless efforts to supply protective equipment to hospitals, and to feed
families in need during the unprecedented COVID 19 crisis are much
Healthy Meals by Served Natural:
Sponsored by the Robin Hood Foundation:
and the Pave the Way Foundation:
Pave the Way Foundation showed it appreciation on March 17. 2020 to commemorate one year of the onset of the devesting Covid 19pandemic. We hosted a thank you function in New York City for all of the volunteers and donors who made a difference during this past year