Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it. – Maimonides
With the opening of the new Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem) exhibit in 2005, there was an historically incorrect placard placed above a photo of WWII Pope Pius XII in the “Hall of Shame.” There was international outcry to remove troubling remarks about the Church’s supposed inaction during the Holocaust. PTWF was asked to help resolve this issue, which has plagued Jewish Catholic relations for the past 47 years.
On July 1, 2012, after six years of work to identify and post online 76,000 pages of documents, news articles, official published works, and videotaped, eye witness testimonials from survivors, Yad Vashem revised their controversial placard to reflect a more accurate and balanced view. PTWF applauds this move towards historical accuracy, which Yad Vashem has clearly taken.
In furtherance of the mission of PTWF, we are attempting to remove obstacles between the religions. Mindful of this, we have initiated an independent investigation of the Papacy of Pope Pius XII. This time in history has been a source of friction between the Jews and Catholics for over 70 years.
PTWF has privately undertaken an extensive investigation of this important and controversial historical period. We believe that our work will eventually result in eliminating one of the greatest obstacles to religious unity between these two groups.
Our data is organized as follows:
The complete collection of over 76,000 pages of documents, newspaper articles, live video testimonies, and other important information relative to the papacy of Pope Pius XII, is on our Vatican Papers Page
If you wish to view the document page, you must agree to the terms set for by the Vatican Secretary of State.
By accessing this resource page, I hereby acknowledge that the sole copyright holder of the Vatican documents herein including Actes et documents du Saint-Siege Relatifs A La Second Guerre Mondiale or The Acts and Documents of the Holy See during the Second World War is the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and the digital version of the above named collection of documentation is not to be used for any commercial purpose without the authorization of both the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and the Vatican Secretary of State.
New placard, placed July 1, 2012

Original placard at Yad Vashem

Remembering the Holocaust: The Documented Efforts of the Holy See and the Catholic Church to Save Lives (UN Web TV)
27 Jan 2020 – Event organized by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
(A speech by Mr. Gary Krupp, Founder and President of the Pave the Way Foundation commences at the 9min mark.)
Videos with eye witness and scholar interviews of the action of the Holy See during WWII
Professor Ronald Rychlak, MDLA Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Power Point Presentation
Msgr Giovanni Ferrofino Worked for Pope Pius XII to Obtain Visas and Transport for Jews Fleeing Europe
Fr Peter Gumpel on The Study of the Papacy and The War Years
PTWF Compilation of Evidence
Sr. Margherita Marchione on her Work to Discover the Truth About Pope Pius XII
Bishop Pagano on The Secret Archives
Gary Krupp Addresses The National Press Club
A Jewish Journalist’s Interview on his book “The Secret Mission”- Hitler’s Plan to Kill Pope Pius XII
Dr. Robert Adler of No. Carolina University Speaks of How the Vatican Saved his Father by Hiding Him in the Vatican and Arranging his Transport to the Dominican Republic
Video – Interview with Max Ciampoli Friend of Sir Winston Churchill who personally met with Pope Pius XII and who gave him thousands of false baptismal certificates to save Polish children who would have been sent to the extermination camps.
Sir Martin Gilbert’s lecture at the University of California and those of other faiths who acted to save Jewish lives during the dark days of World War II
Msgr Giancarlo Centione who saved Jews through the secret underground society of St. Raphael, directly aided by Pope Pius XII
Gary Krupp and Dr. Frank Oliveri Interviewed at St. John Fisher College
PTWF Papal Audience Castel Gandolfo
Gary Krupp opens the symposium on Pope Pius XII in Rome September 2008
Gary Krupp remarks to Pope Benedict XVI.
Pope Benedict XVI responds to Pave the Way Foundation.
Pope Pius Documents 3 11
Shoah survivor, Juraj Adam Protected by Archbishop Rotta in the nunciature in Budapest, Hungary – Part 2
Horst Stein and Ursula Stein – Jewish survivors saved in Campagna, Italy
Pope Pius XII and World War II. The Documented Truth.
Pave the Way Foundation published this book for educational purposes and so you can download it free of charge.
OTHER LINKS International media coverage
My Interview with Gary Krupp. Paving teh way to Jewish Justice through the maze of disinformation | 15 October 2024 | By Brenda Lee Bohen
It’s been two decades of answering questions from participants on my walking tours through the Jewish Museum of Rome and the Vatican Museums.
Did Pope Pius XII act or fail to act because of indifference, malice, or benevolence?
In my work as a scholar and a licensed and accredited tour guide in Rome, including the Jewish Museum and the Vatican Museum, I am experiencing the spread of two forms of wrong information: misinformation and disinformation by both scholars and colleague tour guides in Rome regarding Pope Pius XII and the Roman Jews. There is no doubt that these two words, so often used interchangeably, but there is one critical distinction between these confusing words: intent.
Letter of acknowledgment and gratitude (PDF) from Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State,
For a PTWF initiative to digitize the Acts and Documents of the Holy See during the Second World War and the Acts of the Holy See 1909-1961.
In an attempt to bring clarity to the Pius XII controversy, PTWF sponsored an intense yearlong workshop at La Sorbonne in Paris. This event was hugely successful since the defenders of this papacy were able to confront the critics in a scholarly, educational environment. The chair of this historic study was Professor Eduard Husson, former Vice Chancellor of La Sorbonne and current Dean of ESCP Europe. The workshop concluded with a 2 day symposium November 2012.